30+ Best Fitness Instagram Captions 2020 | Instagram Fitness Captions 2020 | Fitness Captions for Instagram 2020

Looking for the coolest and best Instagram Captions 2020? We collected a bunch of fantastic Instagram captions; from sassy to cute; for best friends and selfie quotes.

These quotes are very useful when it comes to creating your Instagram bio as well as underlining your newest Insta photo. Here we are sharing our favorite captions and selfie quotes.

The best part?
You can just COPY-and-PASTE all quotes and use them for your own photo. Go ahead and go nuts!

If you want to do us a small favor, then please tag us along with your photo with @hdpixelphotography

30+ Best Fitness Instagram Captions 2020 | Instagram Fitness Captions 2020 | Fitness Captions for Instagram 2020
30+ Best Fitness Instagram Captions 2020 | Instagram Fitness Captions 2020 | Fitness Captions for Instagram 2020

Fitness Instagram Captions

  • Just do it -Nike slogan
  • Eat better, not less
  • Sorry for what I said when I hadn’t been to yoga in a while
  • 70% of the people who start a fitness plan quit. Except not you. Not this time.
  • The greatest wealth is health
  • Did you work out today?
  • One workout is 4% of your day — no excuses
  • Sore today, strong tomorrow
  • Create healthy habits, not restrictions
  • You may not be there yet but you’re closer than yesterday
  • If you get tired, learn to rest not quit -Banksy
  • Excuses don’t burn calories
  • Keep your squats low and your standards high
  • 3 months from now you’ll thank yourself
  • Good things come to those who sweat
  • You don’t get the ass you want by sitting on it
  • You are stronger than you think
  • Actually, I can
  • I will, just watch me
  • Once you see results, it becomes an addiction
  • See what happens if you don’t give up
  • Fall in love with taking care of yourself
  • You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for
  • The body achieves what the mind believes
  • Strive for progress, not perfection
  • Every workout is progress
  • I don’t find the time for exercise, I make the time
  • It’s a slow process but quitting won’t speed it up
  • If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you -Fred DeVito
  • Do it for the people who want to see you fail
  • Pain is just weakness leaving the body -Chesty Puller
  • Someone busier than you is working out right now
  • Focus on your health, not your weight
  • The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen
  • You don’t have to go fast, you just have to go
  • I got 99 problems but I’m going to go to the gym and ignore them all
  • Excuses are for people who don’t want it bad enough
  • Life has their ups and downs, we call them squats
  • On good days, work out. On bad days, work out harder.
  • Instructors who say “Last one!” are the reason I have trust issues
  • Focus on your goal — don’t look in any direction except ahead
  • If you want better results, make better choices
  • A little progress each day adds up to big results
  • Be stronger than your excuse
  • Your legs are not giving out, your head is giving up. Keep going.
  • Don’t tell people your plans, show them your results
  • Stronger than yesterday
  • Eat, sleep, exercise, repeat.
  • The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen
  • It hurts now, but one day it will be your warm up
  • Unless you puke, faint, or die then keep going

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